sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm feeling great at the moment, getting over a funk. I wrote about said funk yesterday and didn't post because, frankly, I think I sounded a whee bit nuts.

Maybe someday soon I'll re-read it and post a selection as a frightening peek into the darker side of my mind. A nice side effect of getting all those crazy thoughts in my head out of my head is that I can realize how nonsensical and unrealistic and irrational some of my fears are.

I'm not sure what broke the spell of my latest "I suck, I'm ruining everything, why do I even try?", but One Philly Daddy's sage advice of "laughing them off" seemed to be a success.

Try it, even if you don't believe it. Next time you tell yourself you suck, follow it up with a "that is the funniest, most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Hahahahahahahaaa! Cause ya know what? I ROCK!!!!!"

It may not work, but if nothing else, it may make you smile!