sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6 month pictures at Sears

One of the greatest things about working from home is the time before and after the work day that I get back.

Last night I sat on my tush and did pretty much nothing (didn't even get around to painting my nails). But the awesome thing about today being a work from home day is that I could get up at 6 am, workout (briefly, but it still counts...), feed and change my son, unload and load the dishwasher, put away the 5 loads of laundry (how I wish I were exaggerating), wash out the bottles from daycare on Monday, shower and dress and STILL be at work by 8 / 8:15 this morning. It really is amazing what can be accomplished when there's no commute time!

And this evening was successful for the same reason.  I finished work at 4:30, closed up the laptop and headed to Sears to get pictures taken of my son. Ok, I'll admit, pictures at Sears are pretty cut-and-dry portrait shots, but I wanted something more than the candids from home to chronicle my son's life. And, I can't afford to have a photographer come to my house every 4 - 6 weeks for those cool artsy shots (plus, would I have to clean too?).

Sears has some great specials as well as a "Super Saver Card" program available (at $10 per year it more than pays for itself). With the Super Saver Card you get a free 8x10 everyday, and no sitting fee. And the specials they send out are pretty good too.

Today we got a 8x10 collage (special they were running in store, 2 pics in a collage for only $5), and an 8x10, a 5x7's, 4 31/2x5's, 4 wallets and 16 mini's in color AND a 3 1/2x5 and 4 wallets in black and white for a whopping $13.76. (besides the collage, they are all in the same pose, just for full-disclosure)

I wish I was kidding, I'm not usually that good of a shopper. But I swear - $13.76.

We love getting the pictures because they capture my son at different stages. We don't go at pre-scheduled times, just when we "feel" like it, but we've captured him sitting, and standing and smiling at right about the times he started doing those things. Because we can get so many prints we got Grandmom and Gamma frames and update the picture inside everytime we get more pictures. And we get enough different sizes to be able to give them out and share them with lots of other people too.

Besides, the last time you went out and bought a picture package with tons of pictures, didn't half of them sit in a drawer somewhere? Who needs 82 prints of anything?

Our house is slowly turning into a shrine to our son (but that's normal. right?) but I'm sure we'll keep going and I hope, if and when, we are blessed with a second child, we'll keep up the habit of going. (Nothing like building a shrine to baby #1 and forgetting to get pictures of baby #2!)

So let's hear it for working from home and getting 2 1/2 hours of my life back!!

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