sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh, there you are!

A few weeks ago I was given a picture of myself and One Philly Daddy when we were dating. Without thinking I blurted out "you can tell that was before kids, I was highlighting my hair"

Yeesh, who knew that was in my head?

Do not be mistaken. It was with great joy and honor I put someone (my unborn creation, whom I and my husband summoned into this world) ahead of myself.

I ate what was healthy (while totally and admittedly overdoing my ice cream quotient), avoided toxins - including hair dye and nail polish, cat litter and sushi. I took my vitamins, and thought, prayed and dwelled upon the well being of another.

My purpose became to provide the healthiest conception, gestation, birth and infancy I could. I was hardly perfect but my "checklist" ran to what was best for the fetus/nursing baby rather than what I wanted.

Some sacrifices were harder than others.

The ice cream was a nice perk.

But One Philly Daughter is nearly a year. (?!??!!? When did that happen?!?!)

What I do to my body no longer immediately and concretely affects the health of my child(ren). Sure, I still have to provide vegetables, reading, morality and table manners.

But if I subsist on crappy food there is no immediate, tangible harm to my offspring. (We can debate the value of example, and my health another time. You get the idea.)

Then, a few days ago I saw another picture if myself with a cute bob hair cut, post birth of One Philly Son.

Instantly I wanted it.

Last night I cut my hair. Tonight I dyed it.

I adore my one Philly kids. They are, unabashedly, the primary focus of my life.

But that doesn't mean I can't soak my head in toxins once in a while, just for me.

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