sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Date night

One Philly Son is in a whining phase. I get it, he's frustrated. He knows it's possible to stack 8 blocks high and disintegrates when the tower falls at 6. He knows the doggie fits in that car, but when he can't get the doggie back out, full melt down. He knows the letter magnets stick to the fridge, but whimpers when he can't reach them all. I get it. He's struggling with how he wants to be compared to his current skill set. Isn't that something we all struggle with?

But, for all this understanding, I still don't have the overwhelming desire to be around the whining ALL the time! So tonight, I left Whiny Philly Son with One Philly Daddy and took myself to the movies. What I saw wasn't as important as 2 hours of not saying " it's ok; put that down; do you want a drink; be careful; it's ok honey, sometimes the blocks fall" on a repeating 12 hour loop.

I enjoyed the solitude, the quiet in my perfectly quaint town. I returned home at 9 pm, at least an hour past when we are normally out and about. I saw couples older than me, younger than me, groups of friends drinking and laughing on patios, people holding hands, eating ice cream, sharing dinner.

It occurred to me that I might feel sad because my life no longer has room for such luxuries or that I sat alone in the theater.

But what I felt was filled up, brimming and over flowing. That I have a healthy baby within me (see I wasn't really alone), that I have a darling son who is growing and learning and becoming more amazing each day, that I have a husband who joyfully sends me on my way when I need to take me on a date. I've got a great life of my choosing and I feel blessed.

And that's nothing to whine about.

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