One Philly Daddy and I did something yesterday we've been putting off for a long time. We've talked about it on and off for years and sometimes had very different opinions about whether or not to do it at all. Recently I said I'd never do it. And here we are.
We bought new couches.
Why we didn't:
1) The couches we had worked for years. They were hand-me-downs, but we were young, and they worked. In the beginning, I even liked them.
2) New furniture is, to me, crazy expensive. I'd rather save the money or take a vacation (And we have. A lot.).
3) We have two dogs, a cat and a baby/toddler. It seemed anything new would just get ruined in a few days anyway.
4) I was hoping to find something almost-new (better for the environment, my wallet, the world, plus - less heart break if the dogs/cat/kid make a mess).
Why we finally did:
1) The couches are no longer "working". I was beginning to be embarrassed. The couches had stains, so a few years ago I had them cleaned professionally (cheaper than new couches). Then they got more stains, and the cushions started to tear, so I bought slip covers (on sale, much cheaper than new couches. Plus, I had the benefit of being able to wash away any messes). Now, when anyone sits on the couch, the cushions slide out so far you end up with half a cushion suspended in air over the front of the couch, and a big gap of no cushion behind your butt. I spend a lot of time shoving the cushions back in place and brainstorming ideas of how to get them to stay put.
2) I was getting tired of being a hard working adult who can afford to pay cash for new couches, but continues to have a couch that looks straight out of a college dorm room.
3) I wanted to. Badly.
4) We searched all the "almost new" options, repeatedly, and found nothing.
What I learned:
1) The overriding concern for stains was probably not necessary. We purchased a sofa, chair and a half and an ottoman. And the fabric protection plan for all of them. For an additional $150, American Signature Furniture will clean any stains or tears from pet or human spill, bodily fluid or accident. If they can't get it out or fix it, they will replace the piece for 7 years. We'll see how well the actual delivery of this service is, but as One Philly Daddy put it, "if anyone needs this service, its us".
2) I already knew this one, but its always nice to see it in action: One Philly Daddy and I are legitimately concerned with each other's happiness. We refused to buy something we both didn't love (in style, color and price), which meant 9 stores in one day and a lot of communication, but I think we both love what we ended up with. (Correct me if I'm wrong honey..quick, before we pick up the new furniture!)
3) If I could get away with it, I would probably save every penny I earned besides necessities. Apartment (small, and pseudo-crappy is OK, just needs to be safe), car (ditto), food (nothing name brand, please!), a few social outings, and basic cable. Student loan payments and the rest sits in an account, for "just in case." But life is meant to be lived. And if I'm going to (and One Philly Daddy) work hard to excel at work and earn a good living, I should probably allow myself to enjoy a few nice things, once in awhile. I'm honestly excited for these stupid couches!
So, we did it. We didn't get anything fancy or expensive (We did visit one store having a 50% off sale, and everything was still twice our budget. Ouch.), but we like it, and we're happy. Plus, it should be here before Thanksgiving (which I am hosting)....and I won't be fixing cushions OR worrying about that's something to be grateful for!
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