sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The accountant and the hippie...

Oh brother. Maybe I shouldn't have said out loud I'd made a decision (even without sharing or executing said decision).

I'm even MORE excited to get going today. I've got plans, BIG plans!

The smart, grown-up, fiscally responsible side of my brain is speaking very slowly, in a serious tone, and is wearing glasses and a tweed jacket.

It says to me "Wait, just a little while longer. This is the smart thing to do. Your dreams will be there."

The New Age, gut and heart following side of my brain is making a face like she just ate something really sour and is rolling her eyes a little bit.

"Seriously? Life is short, get out there and do it already!" She says.

Now the smart, grown up side of my brain turns to the gut-heart following side and says "But what if...." and then trails off in an ominous way, like we couldn't even imagine what may happen if we foolishly run off into the night, following our dreams without a thought in mind.

And, just to up the ante, the gut-heart following side says, very calmly and serenely, "yes, what if?" Implying, of course, that worse than any horrible thing the smart side imagined, is not doing what makes you happy.

Honestly, its kind of amusing. Because, the smart side and the heart-gut side (which sounds kinda gross right now!) have to live together. Like a lot of good marriages and friendships, there is a saver and a spender, a do-whatever-I-feel-like-er and someone seriously planning for the future.

Neither is right or wrong. Neither is good or bad. They both have strong, valid arguments, and they both have down-falls and disadvantages if followed too closely to the letter.

So here I sit, imagining an accountant and a hippie battling it out in my head and in my heart, sure that at the end they'll both say "See. I told you I was right."

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