sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Working out is working out!

I've observed this time and time again, in my own life and the lives of friends and family members of mine.

Remove something that is not "working" for you, and SHAZAM! everything else seems to improve as well.

It could be a boyfriend, friend, way of thinking, client, way of life, city, etc, etc, etc. It is almost as if the weight of either trying to be something you're not or the effort of trying to make something work that just isn't holds you back. And once that weight is lifted (sometimes quite literally), the possibilities get greater and greater. The air is cleaner, the sky bluer, the grass greener, get the idea.

I don't know if its spring, or my recent life-change or my recent post on just doing what you know needs to be done, but I attended one of my One Fit Mama classes today...and it ROCKED!

I've only taken a few classes, and while I loved them all and they were all great work outs, I didn't feel like I was leaving it all "on the court", so to speak.

Then there are those days when I can run the stairs, do lunges, push harder and harder, One Philly Son enjoys class (instead of escaping from his stroller), and I feel pumped. Today was one of those days. Yes, I was short of breathe and really felt winded sometimes and didn't love all the stair work...but I did it all. And I didn't hold back, I just kept pushing. Which felt great, since during my first class a few short weeks ago, I felt simultaneously like passing out and throwing up. I love the feeling of feeling powerful, capable, strong. Its addictive. So now rather than thinking the efforts to get in/be in shape are "wasted" if I get pregnant, I'm going to focus on maintaining that feeling THROUGH pregnancy, if and when we're blessed with another.

I know. Duh. So simple. And yet, I was too busy, tired, had too much to do, was stressed about this and that, and holding on to that idea of it being a waste, and I could not do it.

And that's ok. Cause I'm gonna do it now.

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