The ginormous pile of everything he asked for? or a few specific and hopefully meaningful gifts?
Last Christmas One Philly Daddy and I agreed to purchase only a few gifts for One Philly Son. #1 He was 4 months old and wouldn't remember #2 He didn't need a stinkin' thing. #3 He wasn't aware enough to want anything and #4 We knew he'd get plenty of gifts from other, very generous friends and family.
Last year, we bought him a cloth storybook, and a singing Elephant, and I'm happy to say, he still plays with both and still carries them around the house nearly a year later. Which is what we want a gift to be, right? Something that brings joy and stands the test of time to provide continued joy.
This year we are following much of the same philosophy. So far,we are gifting 1) 3 personalized books that will include his name, because I hope he'll enjoy them for years to come, plus they are Sesame Street ABC and 123 books, so there is also an educational component.
2) a Stride to Ride Dino Walker (currently $44.99 at Toys R US, but free shipping if you spend $49) because I know he will love, love, love it right now. (and we have the room and floors so he can ride it in the house during the winter)
and 3) a Disney music CD (cheaper new at Toys R Us) because he is fascinated with the CD player, "dances" in his car seat to music playing in the car and loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I hope they are all things that One Philly Son will enjoy and use often.
We might pick up a few more small things, and maybe I'll get some cute little things that he can dump out of his stocking on Christmas morning. But that's probably about it.
He still won't remember this Christmas, so I don't feel the need to "wow" him just yet. If one day, he's just set on something spectacular, and One Philly Daddy and I can swing it, I'd love to gift him that amazing gift
But I don't think (who knows?, life evolves) I'll strive to provide a pile that can be literally be jumped into, like some of my childhood classmates got...
I guess I don't want to create the unhealthy expectation for One Philly Son that he will get everything he wants all the time. I believe this leads to the child not understanding the value of what they have and a sense of entitlement.
But at the same time, I understand the philosophy that childhood only happens once, and when is a better time to teach a child to wish, to dream, and to expect those wishes and dreams to come true?
So what's your gift philosophy? Do you let your child(ren) make unlimited lists and provide everything on it? Or limit their requests to a few items and only provide a small pile? Let me know your thoughts...
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