sky's the limit

sky's the limit
"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Too cool for school

Today, One Philly Son's pre-school teacher very artfully and subtly put me in my place.

As in most preschool classrooms, the young students have cubbies in which they place their coats and book bags.

Today, One Philly Son hung his bag, slid his name in the chart and went off to play.

I got his attention, and started to unzip his coat for him.

Cue teacher, stage left.

"Let's let him take it off himself, it's a new year. Go ahead buddy, just like we do when we come in from the playground."

Good idea.

I admit, on the parenting spectrum of "expects-too-much-of-the-kids to does-too-much-for-the-kids", I am camped closer to the does-too-much end of the scale.

So it's a good reminder that One Philly Son can 1) do more than I ask of him and 2) may even want to do more than I ask of him.

I know that I'm motivated by a desire for my children to feel supported and loved by me. But there are also the other gifts I want to impart.




The guts to try something new.

The self-esteem to be bad at something for a time, work hard at it, and maybe gain some skill.

Ok kiddo, time to hang that coat up on your own. Momma loves you.

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