So I'm pregnant with One Philly Baby #2, and everything is different this time around: I'm not working, I chase an almost two year old, it's a completely opposite season and yet, somethings remain the same :
I love that an hour after even a thimble of water I have to pee like I drank eight Big Gulps.
I love that eating feels like an out of body experience. Things that tasted good don't and no matter what I eat or how much, there's usually nausea, heart burn, sour stomach or all three if I'm really lucky.
I love feeling starved 4 hours after every meal, regardless of how big.
I love killer sinus headaches that can only be fought with one cup of coffee and regular strength Tylenol.
I love Googleing everything I eat until I can remember the ungodly long list of food and drink no-no's for a pregnant woman. I joke that I should grow my own grass and collect rain water, though there'd probably be something wrong with that too. To think, our mothers were told to try not to drink and smoke so much (ok, a slight exaggeration).
I love that anything on TLC brings me to tears.
I love not having energy or desire to do anything more productive than keep One Philly Son safe, clothed and fed. Ketchup counts as food, right?
I love wearing strangers clothes. I was (this is honest, not sarcastic) lucky enough to have a lot of maternity clothes given to me during my first pregnancy, saving me a lot of money and time. But it does sometimes give me a sense of dressing up like someone else.
I love not being able to do many of the small household projects that involved paint, chemicals, caulk or chemicals of any kind.
I love being cranky with One Philly Daddy even when he's taken on my chores and encourages me to nap, yoga, do nothing, just take care of myself.
Ok, honestly, I'm not one of those cool Zen Mommies who loves being pregnant. I feel like I'm possessed, my body doesn't react to food, temperature, sleep, or anything the way it used too. It doesn't even feel like my body sometimes, with my hair, nails and skin acting all weird too.
When I was pregnant with One Philly Son I half-joked that maybe one baby was enough, and this time I confirmed with One Philly Daddy that "two is enough".
I know I have it way, way, way easier than a lot of women, particularly when compared to women's conditions around the globe. Food, shelter, safety, support and my midwife are things I can take for granted.
So take my whining with a grain of salt. In a few short months I'll be gushing and basking in new baby love, saying all this wasn't so bad. Feel free to remind me what a wimp I was.
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