Things are changing. In a big way.
By the end of the week I will be laid off.
This is not a financial, career or personal crisis. One Philly Daddy and I have made specific financial decisions regarding the size of our house, newness of car, etc so that his salary is enough to live on. Career-wise I've felt without direction and unsatisfied since my return from maternity leave in November 2009 (which makes
it seem like a really long time). Personally I welcome the opportunity to focus on my family.
But there is the question of my fire, my groove, my zest. By no means has the past year-ish been bad, it's been quite good actually. I've loved being a Mom and growing closer to my husband and growing our family. But I've struggled with my place, my role, trying to make the best of a situation that changed out of my control, and influenced all facets of my life.
I am proud to report One Philly Daddy
seems to be in his groove - working out, eating well, wildly productive. Which I envy since I feel like I've been bounced around a bit with my work situation. I can be strssed, feel pulled in very conflicting directions and unmotivated to focus on eating well, working out, etc. In short, my day to day life hasn't matched up with my vision for my life. And it's been hard.
So I'm hoping I find my groove, my stride, my zest.
I know change itself can be stressful, but I'm so happy for you. I think this will be a very good change and I hope you'll keep writing about 'life'!