OK, I've meditated like twice, but the concept fascinates me. My mind goes, not even kidding, a million miles a minute. Have you ever heard that you can't think of two things at once? Well, I can tell you that is bullsh*t, I can simultaneously worry about 5 or 6 things at once. On a good day! Some of them are realistic "did I turn off the stove?" sorts of questions and some of them are just plain ridiculous...
But I'm the first to admit, most of these worries are unfounded and unnecessary.
Its just that I've been doing it for so long, it got to be sort of a habit.
Like smoking or biting your nails. (Hey, I wonder if there's a patch or gum to help with worrying. Probably, but probably only in Europe because the FDA is still testing it...) But I've long since outgrown the usefulness of those constant what-ifs and worries.
I've heard from lots of people you'd never imagine meditating, that they do, and that it is awesome. Tough beer-swilling frat guys all the way to super Type-A's.
I'm not looking for a great Earth-shattering experience or to hear God's voice. Just a little quiet
Oh, and Liz, if you're reading this, don't get freaked out, OK?
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