Well, we're (sadly) nearing the end of the weekend, which, like many of them, has gone way too fast.
As with many weekends, this weekend has been a combination of fun and work.
Saturday we went to PARX (previously Philadelphia Park) to sit in the picnic grove and watch the horse races. A few friends went with us and it was a fun day spent in the sun. Our son had a great time, although I think the heat did make his naps a bit uncomfortable. But for the most part, a fun, fun day.
Today we cleaned the house. Ick, right?! I'm on a "I hate cleaning" kick at the moment. Not that I ever liked it, but I was nearly manic in my weekend clean ups. Now, I just want to do it once and be done. Forever. Seriously.
On top of the daily/weekly chores like dishes, laundry and mopping the floors, I have a list of things I'd like to get done like: put away our winter coats - since we live in a lovely shoebox with no closets, we have a coat rack at the front door - functional but also in need of occassional clean-up maintenance. I also want to put some of our photo albums and other knick-knack stuff into storage, ideally before One Philly Son starts pulling things off shelves. Sometime in the near future we're going to need to child-proof cabinet doors, electrical sockets and staircases.
So, its not just the cleaning that irritates me, its that, even if I keep up with the "normal" cleaning, I am still behind.
Gloriously, One Philly Daddy helped enormously today. He did the bathroom and changed the sheets and washed our couch slip covers and took out trash. (And watered the grass which we hoping grows and fixed some parts of the fence that needed reinforcing. I know he's going to read this and if I miss anything that he did, he'll be sure to remind me. I think I got it all. But check out the comments below in case I missed anything...) The point being, he helped with some of the normal clean up chores, leaving some time for me to work on the "other list".
Of course, all of these lists are never ending, with more being added quicker than we can cross them off the list. Making it important to know when enough is enough, and its time to have some fun!
So, we're off to visit Mermaid Lake! Let the fun return!
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