As I was working out, a few of my favorite and not-so-favorite things came back to me.
My favorite and not-so-favorite things:
#1 Its an actual workout. You use both the controller and nunchuck, so somehow, through the magic of technology, the stupid game can actually tell when I am trying to "rest" (or cheat, if we're being honest). So the squats, are actually squats. And if you don't hold them long enough, they don't count and you have to repeat until you get the form right. Honest to god (or whomever works for you), this is more of a workout than I got at the gym. Which means this is a favorite thing because I'm not wasting my time. Its a not-so-favorite thing because, well, my legs hurt.
#2 You choose a trainer who walks you through each workout and the first time you do each workout, you are offered a tutorial video. Which is great, because some of the workouts have pretty specific hand positions for the game to register. For example, when doing bent arm rows, you have to point the controller and nunchuck directly at the ground, or the end of that rep won't count. Again - a favorite thing because it means I'm not cheating myself out of a good workout. It is a not-so-favorite thing because, sometimes it can get really frustrating. Like when I'm "playing" tennis or volleyball or doing basketball shooting/passing drills and I angle my hand the wrong way and whatever I've done doesn't count. Argh. Which leads me to...#3.
#3 Your chosen trainer will give you uplifting encouragement, but also some constructive critisim as it deems necessary. So sometimes my trainer, who I've nicknamed "Steve" (because I think he sounds like Steve from Tough Love ( did you know he wrote a book? Crash Course in Love
#4 Along with the workouts (if you sign up for the 30 day challenge) there is also a Journal portion, in which you will be asked about your diet, sleep, water consumption, stress level and energy level (along with some other stuff). This is one of my favorite things because it increases my awareness of what healthy really means. Its a not-so-favorite thing because it reminds me that not having one glass of water in a whole day is probably not a good thing, and that one slice of tomato on a sandwich doesn't mean I've eaten my vegetables. (It specifically asks how many "fist sized portions" of vegetables you've eaten. Ouch.) So, basically, it makes it very clear that I'm not as healthy as I think I am. Which stings, but is ultimately good to know.
#5 Trophies. I never would've guessed it, but this works for me! So, as you accomplish certain things (burning 100 calories, finishing a journal entry, making 100 jumps doing inline skating), you earn trophies. And as you finish one 30 day challenge, and begin another, it keeps track of the trophies you've earned and keeps adding to them. So its a favorite thing because, I guess I like trophies. Its a not-so-favorite thing because I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I'm actually excited to earn a tiny picture of a tiny trophy labeled "Inferno" because I burned 100 calories. Sigh.
#6 If you sign up for the 30 day challenge, it tells you what days to work out and what days to not work out. Its my favorite thing because, if you work out 3 days in a row (it is only recommended to work out 2 days in a row on this system), it actually recommends that you take a rest day. Love it! Its a not favorite thing because, sometimes I need to rest on a workout day and workout on a rest day. Which just leaves me out of sync with the system.
So there's my "first"workout in a nutshell. I hated it, I loved it, I hope I get up and do it again tomorrow.
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