I recently received a subscription to Real Simple magazine from my sister-in-law (who in addition to being a super Mom to 3 cuties, has started safeTVision - awesome protection for your flat screen tv - check it out under "Stuff I love").
One of the articles in Real Simple seemed rather timely - "10 secrets of an unflappable working mom". In the article, the author (who is a working Mom of 3) lists 10 (funny how that worked out) secrets to finding that ever elusive work-life balance. You'll have to read the whole article to get them all, but here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order: (ok, I love them all, but that seemed like cheating...)
"Tip #5 - Getting out the door in the morning (without anyone in tears) is the only thing you have the achieve before 8:30 am"
I like this one because I'm always straightening something or wiping a counter before dashing out the door, driving my husband nuts. Sorry, honey, I'm going to keep on doing it, at least for now. Better to know and embrace your nuerotic behavior than deny it! (sometimes...)
"Tip # 7 - Go with your gut and don't second guess it later"
As someone who is constantly trying to figure out the "right" (dun-dun-dun) thing to do, certain that impending doom is just one wrong shoe choice away, this was a suggestion that got right to the heart of me. This is a skill I strive to learn, in many aspects of my life.
"Tip # Stop thinking of yourself as split into separate but equal roles. Worker, mother, me"
This one states at the end "You are one person, indivisible, who just happens to wear many hats. And while I get that the weight of all those hats can wear you down, at least be happy you've got something important to do." I like this one because it echoes my early struggles with returning to work. Was I Mom, worker, wife, friend, dog watcher, dish washer..which me was I supposed to be? How could I be them all at the same time?
Mika Brzenzinski also references this in her book - "All Things at Once" - the idea that we are mother, and friend and worker, wife and everything at the same time. Sure, sometimes we are more one than the other, but we cannot divide out any of those parts of us.
So, with any luck, I'll learn to embrace and cherish every part of who I am, and be One (Happy) Philly Mommy!
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