Or...Apples and Oranges...
I have friends who are smarter than me, and I am smarter than some people. I know people who have more money than me, I know people who have less money than me. I know people who make more money but save less money than me. I know people who make less money but save more money than me. I know people who are thinner and prettier than me. I know people who keep a cleaner house than I do. I know people who never clean. I know people who clean all the time. I know stay-at-home-Mom's and working Mom's.
I know people who let their kids eat what they want, when they want. I know people who strictly enforce fruits and vegetables. I know people who send their kids to private school, I know people who don't really care IF their kids go to school.
I know people who consider their spouse their best friend and lover. I know people who consider their spouse a means to an end - nicer house, kids, whatever.
The point is, I can get caught up in comparing myself to all these people at various stages and times.
As in "Wow, how did they afford that house? We could never afford that house." or "Why isn't he getting a job? I would get a job!" or "I can't believe her kids can/can't do that, I would/wouldn't let them do that" or "Why does he/she treat her/him like that? We would never do that to each other."
Sometimes it is jealousy. Sometimes it is prideful.
But when I really think about it I know that I don't really know what's going on in anyone else's life. Not really. And I don't know where people came from, or what is important to them. Some want a large house. Some want a small house and lots of vacations. (If I can figure out a way to get a large house, AND lots of vactions, AND save, AND not go into debt, I'll let you know...) Some want their kids to be rule-followers. Some want their kids to push the limits.
And I don't know what other's want, or where they came from or why they do what they do. So its probably unfair to compare myself in an attempt to assure myself I'm better than so-and-so or not as good as so-and-so.
I'm going to try to keep my goals in mind and be proud of what I do is important to me and my family. And let everyone else do what they will....
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