Get really, really lucky!
Honestly, today was one of those great "I can do anything" days. I was smart, skinny, pretty, loved my house and everyone in it!
I was up at 5:30am, even though I'd only gone to bed at 1am, after a fabulous conversation with my little brother (they don't happen often enough, so when I get the chance, I take it, no matter what time it is!).
Being up at 5:30 meant I had time to nurse AND feed my son, squeeze in a workout (ok, it was only 10 minutes, but it was a Biggest Loser cardio workout, and it still kicked my butt), fold 2 loads of (unfortunately wrinkled, luckily its the sock-tshirts-sleepy pants load) laundry that had been waiting for days, set up dinner (let's hear it for Crock-Pot meals - we're having a Beef Stew tonight...), take a shower AND dry my hair (probably the most exciting part, I sometimes have a hard time fitting it in) and eat breakfast all BEFORE my 8:30 am start time.
Phew! That's like a whole days worth of stuff right there.
Then, even work went well - I had a call, during which puppies and baby slept peacefully away...much to my relief. And it was one of those days when I actually felt productive and got to cross things off my list. Even though more probably got added to my list than taken off, at least I was crossing things off the list. And there is always tomorrow.
Hubby and I had plans to run to the grocery store since they are forecasting yet ANOTHER snow storm Thursday-Friday of this week. (If I'm the one breaking the news to you, I'm really, really sorry!) But since it happened to be pouring when we were ready to leave, he decided to go by himself so we didn't have to drag the baby through the rain. (What a thoughtful guy!) And now that we have baby, the snow storm necessities are baby food, wipes, and rice cereal instead of pizza, beer, bread and milk. Though we'll get that stuff too!
So its been a great day. The only downside is begging the dogs to actually "go" when they go outside. They get to the edge of the porch and look at me like "you're kidding right? you want me to sniff in a circle to find the right spot to do my business in this?"
It reminds me of when our Boston Terrier was a puppy and we actually went outside, in the pouring rain, at 3 am, and held an umbrella over her so she would pee. Love makes you do crazy things! Course now the novelty has worn off and we just don't let them back in until they've done what they have to do!
I'm hoping I don't pay for the lack of sleep tomorrow and that today wasn't just some kind of sleep-deprived high, but even if tomorrow ain't great, today was!
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